Am I Too Old For Braces?

Ideally, the human teeth line up like the piano keys. However, many people have to contend with crowded smiles, poorly-aligned bites, and crooked teeth. These dental problems result in more than cosmetic concerns. For example, crowded or overlapping teeth will make it hard for you to clean, making you prone to tooth decay and gum disease. If the teeth do no come together properly after closing the jaws, you may experience problems when chewing and swallowing. Poor alignment can also make it difficult for you to pronounce some sounds and put excessive stress on chewing muscles, leading to facial pain.

It’s Never too Late for Braces

Although the best time for making changes in the positioning of the teeth is during childhood, many adults are seeking orthodontic treatment and getting excellent results. Nowadays, a significant percentage of people going for the procedure are over 18 years old. The process may take longer for older people than for a child. Traditionally, braces were popular among middle and high school students. Many adults are now wearing braces as the oral devices can be Invisalign or other low-profile options that are unnoticeable. Why do older people need braces?

Studies have shown that a significant percentage of adults who buy braces had them when they were younger. Also, millions of people around the world are receiving a form of orthodontic treatment at any given time, including various types of braces. Why do many people get the devices again? Some of the possible reasons are failure to wear retainers or stopping wearing them at some point.

How Do Braces Work?

The science of orthodontics involves putting pressure on the teeth to change their position. Experts attach the devices to the teeth gently, pushing them in the desired alignment.

Do Teeth Shift in Adults?

Yes. Several factors can cause this problem. First, the lower jaw width tends to shrink as you get older. This leads to more crowding of the lower front teeth over time. This dental issues could also cause teeth to grind as you chew. The process causes tooth wear in the long run and damage to oral tissues. As a result, you will have shorter teeth and eventually, facial changes.

There’s no reason to think you can’t correct badly aligned teeth as an adult. Contact your dentist today to discuss your adult braces options.