When Should I Bring My Child in For a First Dental Visit?

Many parents are often uncertain about the best time to take their children for the first dental visit. Should you go to a pediatric dentist only after all the teeth have come in or noticed a serious problem? Experts say no. According to professional dental associations, you should take your child for the first visit once the first tooth erupts in the mouth. This is often before their second birthday.

What Should You Expect During the First Dental Visit?

Usually, this is a short exercise and involves little treatment. It is a chance for a child to meet the dentist in a friendly environment. Some pediatric dentists may ask you to hold your child and sit on the dentist’s chair during the first checkup. In some cases, you may be required to wait in the reception area. This helps to build a relationship between a child and the dentist.

During the exam, a dental expert will examine all your child’s teeth for any potential issues with oral tissues, gums, and jaws. If any problems are identified, a dentist will clean the teeth and determine whether there’s a need for fluoride. They will also offer some insights on how to take care of your child’s teeth and answer any related questions.

For example, they may talk to you about oral habits, expectations during teeth development, and proper nutrition. Many dentists would want to see a child every six months to build their comfort and confidence during a checkup. Additionally, regular visits enable the experts to monitor the progress and offer prompt treatment for any potential issues.

A pediatric dentist will require you to provide medical and health information about your kid during the first visit. Therefore, carry all the relevant documentation.

How Do You get a Child Ready for a Dental Visit?

Unlike adults with vivid memories about some dental procedures, your child has no reason to experience anxiety when visiting a dentist. If you think your little one may get upset, carry their favorite toy or offer them a surprise gift after the checkup.

The first visit doesn’t involve doing any real work. It’s mainly about introducing a child to a dentist center and allowing them to explore the most common tools. Contact us today to make your child’s first dentist appointment!