5 Questions to Ask Your Dentist At Your Next Dental Appointment

Are you getting the most value out of your dental appointments? If you’re not using the time to ask your dentist questions about your dental hygiene, then you could be missing out. Below are some smart questions to ask your dentist in Bellbrook, OH. Here’s what to know.

1. Am I at risk for any dental conditions?

Your dentist will be able to see the signs of dental conditions that could be in the process of forming. In addition, your dentist will know your medical history and what you’re at risk of contracting due to existing medical conditions.

For example, people who have diabetes are at higher risk for dental problems like periodontal disease. You can protect yourself by seeing the dentist regularly and remaining vigilant about oral hygiene. First, you need to have the conversation with your dentist.

2. What can I do to prevent conditions I am at risk for?

Your dentist will give you advice to ensure that your oral hygiene routine addresses your risk factors. You may want to bring a notebook to write down what the dentist says, although they may print off notes if you need them.

3. What can I do to improve my oral hygiene routine?

Your dentist will be able to see how your oral hygiene routine is working for you. If you have plaque or tartar build up in certain areas of your teeth, for example, your dentist may direct you to work harder when cleaning these areas.

4. When should I return to the dentist?

Most people need to see the dentist every six months, but some may need to see the dentist on a different schedule. Find out from your dentist when you visit.

5. What can I do to improve my smile?

Your dentist may recommend teeth whitening or aligners to improve your smile. Find out by asking the question!

Are you going to visit Bellbrook Family Dentistry for your dental cleaning in Bellbrook, OH? If so, you have the perfect opportunity to ask all the questions you have about your oral hygiene and self-care. Write down your questions before you go, so you won’t forget to ask the questions when you arrive.