Choosing a Pediatric Dentist for a Child with Special Needs: Tips for Parents

Children with special needs can be much more likely to have issues with their oral health. Whether it is due to deformities of the teeth and gums or the inability to properly handle oral care, any issue is something to be mindful of as a parent to prevent future problems. With that in mind, finding the best pediatric dentist for your child with special needs or certain disabilities is imperative. Here are a few tips to help you find the best dentist for your child.

1. Does the dentist have experience with children with special needs?

Not all dentists have experience treating children with special needs. And, even if a dentist does have experience with special needs children, they may not have experience with children that have the same issues as your child. Pediatric dentists never mind discussing with parents their prior experience to make sure they are the best provider for dental treatment.

2. Does your child need a specific type of service offering for adequate dental care?

Children with special needs often need highly specific types of treatment when it comes to dental care. For example, some children may need regular cleanings done under light anesthesia. Discuss any specific needs your child may have with the dental staff to make sure the practice can cater to your child’s needs.

3. Does the office atmosphere suit your child and their needs?

All dental offices can have a different atmosphere to offer. Some practices offer more practical designs while others have more child-friendly features. However, a child with special needs may have specific needs where the environment is concerned. For example, an autistic child with sensory problems may be extremely uncomfortable in a noisy environment. Check with any dentist you are considering and perhaps even plan to stop by for a visit to check out the atmosphere.

Find the Best Bellbrook Pediatric Dentist to Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy

Children with special needs bring so much joy to our lives with their unique personalities and gifts. Make sure you keep your child’s smile as healthy as possible with regular oral health care. Reach out to us at Bellbrook Family Dentistry in Bellbrook, OH to schedule an appointment or discuss the needs of your child.


3 Reasons Children Can Be More Prone to Cavities Than Adults

About 42 percent of children between the ages of 2 and 11 will have issues with dental caries (cavities) in their primary teeth. Here is a look at why some kids can be more prone to cavities than adults.

Children are not as attentive when brushing and flossing their teeth.

Naturally, kids often need a little more encouragement to brush their teeth because they don’t typically understand the importance of oral care. Children should be brushing for about two minutes when they pick up their toothbrush. You can invest in all kinds of neat toothbrushes with timers that play music for two minutes or stand and monitor with a timer yourself. Just the same, they may be brushing for two minutes and still not getting every tooth good enough. This is why it is a good idea to consider something like dental sealants to protect the enamel of hard-to-reach teeth from decay.

Children don’t always make the best nutrition choices.

Whether you have a picky eater or a sweet eater that is always reaching for snacks, pretty much every parent will deal with the odd nutritive choices of children at some point. Kids are not always great about taking in what their bodies need to stay healthy and strong, which can have a direct effect on the health of their smile. Helping your child make good nutrition choices is something that can be an ongoing thing, but it is well worth it.

Children can have problems due to misaligned teeth.

When teeth show up in a baby’s mouth, they are not always nicely aligned. In fact, overcrowding can be a big issue, especially when those adult teeth start to move in and baby teeth are in the way. All of this crowding can make it a little harder o get everything with just brushing and flossing alone. Routine visits for cleanings at the dentist and proper orthodontic care can make a big difference.

Protect Your Child’s Smile with the Help of a Bellbrook Family Dentist

The smile of a child is precious, and, as a parent, protecting that smile is likely a top priority. If you are on the lookout for a good dentist in Bellbrook, OH that can treat every member of the family, contact us at Bellbrook Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment. We offer special perks for little ones, including the Cavity Free Club and special prizes, to keep kids interested in having a healthy smile.


Dental Sealants for Children: A Guide for Parents

Dental sealants are an excellent way to deter decay for children who can be most prone to cavities and areas of decay. As a parent who wants only the best for your child’s smile, you may be interested in dental sealants but also have a few concerns. Here is a look at just a few of the typical concerns parents have about dental sealants for pediatric patients.

Why are sealants a good idea for children?

Children experience cavities or decay much more commonly than adults. About 42 percent of children between the ages of 2 and 11 will have some level of decay in their mouths. The cause of this can be something as simple as not brushing properly or enough or eating a poor diet. Dental sealants can be placed on either baby teeth or permanent teeth to protect the tooth from decay during the years children are not as vigilant about their oral health habits.

Is the material used safe for your child?

The dental sealant is a fluid plastic resin material that is painted on the surface of the tooth enamel with a small brush. The sealant is then cured using a small UV light. While the products used can vary, all are FDA approved and considered safe for use for the purpose.

How long will the dental sealants last?

Dental sealants can actually last for several years after application. However, the sealants can also wear away at different rates depending on several factors, such as the age of the child, the foods they eat, and how well they brush their teeth. Your dentist will discuss the approximate life span of the sealants and let you know when they have started to wear away.

Talk to a Pediatric Dentist in Bellbrook for Information 

Making decisions about oral health care for your child should always be a guided effort. A good pediatric dentist can help you understand specific treatments and preventative measures like dental sealants for children. If you would like to schedule an appointment for your child, reach out to us at Bellbrook Family Dentistry in Bellbrook, OH.

When Should I Bring My Child in For a First Dental Visit?

Many parents are often uncertain about the best time to take their children for the first dental visit. Should you go to a pediatric dentist only after all the teeth have come in or noticed a serious problem? Experts say no. According to professional dental associations, you should take your child for the first visit once the first tooth erupts in the mouth. This is often before their second birthday.

What Should You Expect During the First Dental Visit?

Usually, this is a short exercise and involves little treatment. It is a chance for a child to meet the dentist in a friendly environment. Some pediatric dentists may ask you to hold your child and sit on the dentist’s chair during the first checkup. In some cases, you may be required to wait in the reception area. This helps to build a relationship between a child and the dentist.

During the exam, a dental expert will examine all your child’s teeth for any potential issues with oral tissues, gums, and jaws. If any problems are identified, a dentist will clean the teeth and determine whether there’s a need for fluoride. They will also offer some insights on how to take care of your child’s teeth and answer any related questions.

For example, they may talk to you about oral habits, expectations during teeth development, and proper nutrition. Many dentists would want to see a child every six months to build their comfort and confidence during a checkup. Additionally, regular visits enable the experts to monitor the progress and offer prompt treatment for any potential issues.

A pediatric dentist will require you to provide medical and health information about your kid during the first visit. Therefore, carry all the relevant documentation.

How Do You get a Child Ready for a Dental Visit?

Unlike adults with vivid memories about some dental procedures, your child has no reason to experience anxiety when visiting a dentist. If you think your little one may get upset, carry their favorite toy or offer them a surprise gift after the checkup.

The first visit doesn’t involve doing any real work. It’s mainly about introducing a child to a dentist center and allowing them to explore the most common tools. Contact us today to make your child’s first dentist appointment!



Fruit Juice May Be Harming Your Child’s Teeth: Here’s Why

Fruit juice is often recommended due to its numerous health benefits. It contains large amounts of nutrients found in fruits, including vitamin C and antioxidants. According to medical experts, drinking fruit juice is an effective way of reducing the risk of heart diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. In some cases, the juice may be more palatable than the fruits themselves. However, consuming excess fruit juice is not entirely beneficial, as it can harm your child’s teeth in several ways. Here’s why it may cause harm to your teeth:

It Has High Sugar Content

Sugar is well known as one of the substances that can harm the teeth. Once the bacteria in the mouth have consumed it, sugar is converted to an acid, which causes cavities and tooth wear. The accumulation of the bacteria leads to the formation of a film known as tooth plaque.

Also, the bacteria can cause irritation of the gums, causing infections, and the teeth will eventually fall out. Usually, fruit juice contains added sugar. Even pure options have high amounts of naturally-occurring sugars, which are harmful to the teeth. Statistics show that there is higher sugar content in pure fruit juices than a soda.

It Destroys the Enamel

The enamel of your kid’s teeth is more fragile than you may think. Other than been eaten away by the acid released in the mouth, acids found in fruit juices can wear away the enamel even further. Some of the drinks like lime and cranberry are more acidic than vinegar if taken excessively. With time, the juices can lead to cavities, increase teeth sensitivity, and eventually cause tooth loss. Many parents often offer fruit juice as a substitute for soda, as they believe the drinks will cause less harm to the teeth. The truth is, fruit juice is more acidic and will cause more damage. According to some studies, orange juice leads to reduced tooth hardness and the roughening of the teeth, increasing the risk of cavities and plaque. Fortunately, if your child likes taking fruit juice for lunch and dinner, you can take several measures to prevent teeth erosion. First, encourage them to use a straw. This helps to reduce the drink’s contact with your child’s teeth. Another way of achieving the objective is substituting acidic drinks with water.

Fruit juice for your child is fine in moderation. But for the most part, fluoridated water is a far better option. Talk to your child’s dentist for more information about fruit juice alternatives.